As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


originally uploaded by Carl Allan Vela.
Testing crossposting for Flickr to Blogger. (and hopefully to Multiply and Facebook)

This is a pretty nifty feature. Anyway, this is my first real try at HDR since my first ones were pretty basic, I am starting to learn Photoshop more and more and I am dramatically including it in my workflow.

This shot was taken early this morning when we were out to get our morning Kopiroti and Burger Machine at Buendia. I switched to RAW and took a shot. Since my camera is pretty primitive and has no auto bracketing function, I just took a shot and processed the RAW in photoshop, and set it up for a HDR.

Then did a few tweaks on its curves in PS. Since I am a PS noob, there are some gripes I'd like to mention, first the reds are pretty saturated, I don't know yet how to select parts of the picture to edit, so what happened is edit one, edit all... or something like that.

Anyway, in the end, I was pretty sure I have created a pretty decent HDR.