As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The uniqueness of the Filipinos.

This is what should i have written, anyways - what's done is done... sigh. Somewhere in time, you would eventually die. Your life would flash before your very eyes - vivid scenes from your childhood, your first kiss, first heartache and then your death. Then you would meet God. Funny, because you never thought he does not look like that old bearded fellow you often see depicted in low budget movies.*
He would tell you, that if you were given a chance to live again, you can
choose who you want to become - a german, a portuguse - it's your call.

If i were given that oppurtunity, I would still remain a Filipino. Everyone would think I am out of my head or I am on dope. But yes,
I would remain one. Though our country is so hot, especially on summer,
though we have action stars for presidents, though we have a retard MMDA
officer who paints the whole metro pink, I would gladly grab the chance
of becoming a Filipino again.

You see, being a Pinoy is not as bad as it seems. What other country sees
is only the bad sides of us - the kidnappings, the terrorism, Madam Auring, etc.
But do they know about our unwavering sense of unity? Do they have an idea
that it is so hard for a country with 7107 islands to be united like us?
No. All they see in CNN are scenes of stupidity of a select few who wants
to make asses out of themselves by corrupting the minds of the people who
will get wind of what they are doing. Say, MILF for example, they are
people who wanted to be seen on TV. They had this childhood fantasies
of becoming action stars themselves, that's why they kidnap foreigners.
You see, their guns are only for show, they are toys. Water gun toys.

Kidding aside, people always notice what's negative. Do they have an idea that
the reason USA reached the moon is because of Pinoy's moon buggy? Do they have
an idea that the light that lits up their rooms are Pinoy invented? Do they have an idea
that the strap on their bag is velcro, and it was made by a pinoy? Do they have an idea
that that pop superstar they are fond of listening to is a Pinoy? No, they don't have any
idea. But one things for sure, If you hear Filipinos on a foreign channel, it's not
because we did something great, or we got recognized for something we invented - but
rather because we are the subject of their racist joke, or because we, yet again,
kidnapped a poor french reporter.

We maybe as criticized as the black people. We maybe got flamed so much on the net.
But what if we show to them reality? The reality that their so called great country
faces. Because of our Filipino pride, poor as we are, we are still one. We do not leave
our old parents in some home for the aged facility. We are still united in pretty much
everything. Though poor, our country still strives to get by everyday life.
Our sense of unity is our armor against animosity. Our pride is our shield against
prejudice. We maybe poor but at least, we are together as we stand. Not as Visayans,
Tagalogs, or Muslims - We stand as Filipinos.

So how about you? What if God asks you to live again? What would you choose?

* The image of God? The old bearded man? Was taken from greek's Zeus. And Jesus' sacrifice for mankind, is taken from the Aztec's Quezacoatl. No records show who started religions but one thing is proven - religions are mere literatures. It's the faith that really matters.

The long saturday.

Been a long day. Woke up early because I have a test this saturdayat Sun life at HSBC tower. So far, this is my most eyed prospect company.It is near and I like the environment. First we took the personalitytest that is identical with the 300-item fujitsu test. Next the Programmer aptitute battery.The The test was long, and it waslike the ITS test, so I have this in the bag - well, that was until theyhanded the mock Java certification exams. Hahahhaa, it was so hard, butI found some familliar items.So I have now a 50/50 chance of passing thisone. Then I thought it was all finished, they handed the last test -A miss universe type essay. You have to choose from the differenttopics listed there and write an essay to the intermediate pad provided.So, i mustered every writing creativeness in every fiber of my mind. But-the attempt was not fruitful because I am depleted from the previous tests.

The topic I chose was "The uniqueness of the filipiino" On this one, I have to tell feelings contrary to what I really feel. (So I can impress them) My essay style since Highschool was a comedic writingthat slowly brings out a serious tone to what I am writing. I wrote aboutsome Filipino traits, which I am proud, but I am really not, though I wroteit there just for show. Hahahaha. In summation, ended the piecewith a big question: "What if God asks you to live again, would youchoose to be a Filipino?" Um, excuse my sense of patriotism, but I reallylike it here, except for a few misses.

Oh, i forgot to mention that at noon, I officialy haven't eaten for a whole day already. I dont know, but I really don't have the appetitethese days.

So, I went to mj's after the test. Of course, she was not yet prepared! Hehehehe, anyways, I'm used to girls, they are so slow! Peace mj! ^_^After she's all done with her girly routine, I hatidized her to pampanga. (di ko alam english ng hatid). But mj told me that I will not catch thebus back because It's already 3pm and buses caloocan-bound is not availableat 6. But I still hatidized her nonetheless. At exactly 6, we arrivedat Arayat and the omens are right, no bus. So I took this shabby L300 tothe RJ transport and rode home. At 9 I arrived, tired and depleted butfulfilled, it has been a long time I've enjoyed sceneries like pampanga.Oh, but before going home, I ate at the nearby carinderia because I don't think I can last the 2 hour ride from Caloocan to Laspinas on an empty stomach.
I arrived home and drifted of to lala land.