As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 2: Done

Done with week 2 of SS. I can't believe my squats and deadlift has gone up steadily. I can almost squat my body weight. My current is like 110 pounds. Give me 2 weeks and I can squat more than that.

Anyway, this week, my training will be cut short because I have a climb this Saturday and I don't want to compromise the chances of my legs being too tired to climb, so I think I'll dumb down my training and lift a lighter weight this week. I can't believe how fast this is working, I can see muscles beginning to show especially on my legs. I am excited for this.

As for diet, well, it's pretty so-so. I think I screwed up the weekends because me and my friends went out last Friday and Saturday and I ate like a cow. Note that I am not doing cardio for this training, so that sucks pretty good. There's a new release for Combat and I didn't participate in it. Also, I make it a point not to weigh myself. :)

My notebook is not with me so I cannot post the stats here. And my form is still pretty off, once I get it nailed, I'll post exact stats. Good luck to me.


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