As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Journal: Week 1, Day 2 of SS.

I started SS last Tuesday and just now, I decided to chronicle my progress on Starting Strength. I was supposed to do some complimentary training yesterday but I got a slight injury (because of my wrong dead lifts, I guess) and I read that I should just STICK TO THE FREAKING BOOK regarding this training program.

So in day 2, I'll do the set B of the program. (Each exercise with warm up sets)

Squats 3x5
Press 3x5
Rows 5x3 --> Book says Power Cleans but I think I can't do that yet, so I'll have rows here

I think my current weight is at 130, I'll check on this later. I might have gained a little weight since I last checked because of my clean diet, and I feel heavier, but maybe it's just me. I'll get my exact weight later.

As a recap, last Tuesday (before I got injured) I had this starting stats:

Squats 40kg 3x5
Bench 22.5kg 3x5
Dead lifts 60kg 1x5

I'll progress next week by adding a little weight depending on how I adapt. Later, I'll check on what I can lift with my presses and rows so I can have my starting stats for those as well.

As for diet, I've eaten the following for the day:
Morning: 1 cup rice + viand, egg whites, milk + whey
Brunch: 2 nutrivalley bar
Lunch: salad (lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, chicken, 1 tbsp mayo), mango juice

Note: I left this blog for a while to attend an all hands meeting, then they gave free pizzas for everybody. I ate two. :(

Before workout: 2 pizzas, 1 pineapple juice, 1 whey
After workout: whey
Dinner: Salad meal above.

I'll update every progress here. My goal is to get to 140 before the year ends.

Update: I now weigh 134. 4 pounds is a good sign of progress though it's not visible. YET.

Anyway, I got my stats after workout.

Squats: Still the same. I haven't tried loading more so I can get the hang of it. Although I think I have some error in form because I can't seem to straighten my wrists. I'm gonna check more vids.
Press: I can press 7.5 kgs. I can't do 10. YET.
Rows: I can do 17.5 but improper form, so I stuck with 12.5.



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