As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Coming back, looking forward.

It's been a long time since I blogged. I don't get to share feelings anymore. I can say I am more of a closed book now versus the open one I had been for years. I've learned to shut feelings, so others can read them.

I went to Mapua yesterday and today to get my 2nd TOR (requirement for Oracle). Mapua's hassle's the same, but it's interior is pretty different. Much different in fact, that I tried to remember the differences from 5 years ago when I schooled there. Of course, it's changes are for the better - HDTVs, nice red interior, LCD monitors (versus the crappy ones we had) etc. The list goes on.

After I had done my errands, I walked around the school I called home for 3 years. A lot of memories flooded me - the way me and my friends hang on the lobby, the JPCS area, the lounge and the canteen.

Everything seems to be much smaller now, but the memories never left me. I had a lot of fun, trials, tests, tribulations and friends. Me and my friends laughed and joked around every time, problems so far from our minds. I experienced to fall love in these halls. I experienced heart break in these corridors. I experienced life.

And now as I look back, I never regret all my actions for it brought me where I am today. Sometimes in life, you always look back. And when you look back, you somehow weigh the what if's and the what could have beens. If it's for the better or if it's for the worse. What matters is that it made who you are today. And today is all that matters.

All I can say to the people I got the chance to know is thank you. For everything.


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