As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Wow, I never thought I'd say this but this is the first time I am feeling bored at work. It all feels so monotonous. Yeah, I know, being in the corporate world is monotonous but for me, it has been taken to the next plane, so to speak.

Lately, I've been planning on resigning, and I've been thinking about it a lot. I know we're still in recession and there are a few guys kicked out of the company for no solid reason whatsoever, but I need to take this risk. I need to grease the old gears and study again. IT is a pretty competitive world, and I don't want to get left behind, and if you don't take risks, then you'll never get far.

What sucks is that like most of my colleagues, I never got the annual mid year bonus + increase. I look forward to that but what I look forward most was the thing my boss said during my evaluation early this year. You know, the 'P' word. He was saying something along the lines of - "I don't tell these kinds of things during evaluations but that means that it will really happen." Few months later - nada, zero, zip. It sucks because I think it's never going to happen.

And I think no one is safe in the lay offs, I might be next, who knows? I've been with the company for three years and yeah, there's some kind of fulfillment on that - you know, to have lasted this long. I've gained a solid ground work on the corporate world which I didn't get during my first working stint at ATP. RD has molded me and for that I am grateful.

But being grateful will not take you anywhere, like my first friend in the corporate world, Rico said you have to suck all out of a company. Learn what you have to learn and fly. You're not in this world to get as many friends as possible - you're here to build a foundation for the future.

So, 'utang na loob' aside. I think it's time. It has been fun.


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