As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Angels and Demons...


Well, I knew this even before the moment I paid a hundred plus bucks. Not a big fan of book to movie adaps so I might be biased and to count, I only enjoyed a few of such movies [godfather, bicentennial man].

Anyway, I don't know why the producers didn't remain faithful to the book or why did Dan Brown agreed not to stick with the original sequence of the book. Even Maxmillan Kohler is not in the book, and he's one of the main characters, mind you. Leonardo Vetra [Vittoria's father] was replaced by some Silvano dude and their Antimatter reasearch is just wrong. Chinita Macri and Gunther Glick's also missing and Cardinal Baggia lived in the end to become the [fictional] next Pope. Also, the movie is recognized as a sequel. 

The prospect of enjoying the movie ended after the first 5 minutes of the movie. The plot was just wrong. Leonardo Vetra, firstly, is nowhere to be found. Langdon was in Harvard. Vittoria doing the Antimatter collision in HCL with an audience. Even the assassin was made wrong. The list goes on. The climax part and ending was all wrong too. Since Kohler was nowhere to be found, they made a police take his place. Langdon was not on the Helicopter scene. Mortati was not the one made Pope etc.

The only thing they got right was the first three cardinal killings, their location and stuff. The fourth killing deviated from what happened in the book. 

What I did like from the movie is that I have finally a visual element. When reading a book, you can't really quite imagine the locales even when described by the author. I did like that. Also, it's a treat that you get to see one of your favorite books translated into a movie and realize that it sucks and you have to point out what's wrong and whatnot like this post.

Anyway, it's just my 2 cents. I've scoured the net and found that the reviews were fair. Though I bet that they never read the book. 

I like this one review though


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