Testing crossposting for Flickr to Blogger. (and hopefully to Multiply and Facebook)
This is a pretty nifty feature. Anyway, this is my first real try at HDR since my first ones were pretty basic, I am starting to learn Photoshop more and more and I am dramatically including it in my workflow.
This shot was taken early this morning when we were out to get our morning Kopiroti and Burger Machine at Buendia. I switched to RAW and took a shot. Since my camera is pretty primitive and has no auto bracketing function, I just took a shot and processed the RAW in photoshop, and set it up for a HDR.
Then did a few tweaks on its curves in PS. Since I am a PS noob, there are some gripes I'd like to mention, first the reds are pretty saturated, I don't know yet how to select parts of the picture to edit, so what happened is edit one, edit all... or something like that.
Anyway, in the end, I was pretty sure I have created a pretty decent HDR.
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