As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hiding under the horrible weather.

You know, I like rainy seasons. I like a lot. But when it's going on for 4 straight days... it starts to bug me. To make matters worse, last night after work and my usual Friday circuit workout, the traffic was it's absolute worse. Man, I was like 2 hours stuck in traffic. Combine the two and you get the perfect recipe for a bad day.

Then I woke up today at 5 (because of a disturbing dream), which is a usual for me, by the way even if it's a weekend. Booted up the laptop and surfed the net. Nothing new. And I realized that my itinerary for Saturday is zero. So, most likely, I'll just end up finishing this book I've been reading lately. Then after that, I'll go play some 360 then surf some more. Maybe play some DVDs or something. I got a few new ones last week that I haven't popped in the player yet since I am not in the movie mood lately.

Anyway, there are also quite a number of people who wants me to update my mediocre flickr account. Too bad there haven't been a lot of photo ops lately since summer is gone and the rainy season is on. I got to snap a few pics last Sunday though at ATC when I happen to bring my camera and Urbandub was playing a gig there. And I hope tomorrow's weather will be better because there's a walk the world event.

Wew, this entry is getting longer than usual, which means that I must be pretty bored. I can't get out of the house, don't want to drive in this weather, can't go back to sleep, ran out of things to surf (I checked my FB, FS, Multiply, Flickr accounts; checked out statcounter; checked out Onemanga for the new WSJ releases etc).

Yeah, so I better get some breakfast.


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