As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Week 5!

During work days, I always wake up at around 6AM to prepare my meal for the day. This, right here, would be the kitchen scenario everyday. I was able to do some grocery yesterday, so I'll be able to have complete meals. And oh yeah, today marks the fifth week of my routine. (Taking into note that I missed 2 days of workout last week, since I climbed a mountain. Well, I guess it counts as a workout too)

For the menu today, I will be having:

Breakfast: Peanutbutter Sandwich, Nuts, Milk + Whey.
Snack: Oatmeal cookies, some nuts, whole egg, water.
Lunch: Chicken Macaroni Salad, Juice.
Snack: Chicken Sandwich, Whey, Nuts, whole egg, whey. (Before workout)
Snack: Whey, nuts. (After workout)
Dinner: Salad, water.
Before going to sleep: Milk.

Wish me luck! :)


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