The letter you will never read.
How are you? Bet life has been treating you fair this days. Me? I'm great. Guh-uh-reat. Everything is just great. I got the job I love, great new friends, and I get to have times off for myself sometimes.
You know, I guess I have never told you this before, but I love the sea. It calms me, it soothes me. When I am at the sea, I can see how beautiful this world is. Under the sea, you can see a lot of color... it seems like it shines just for you. When you are alone with all this color, a calm repose siezes your body...
Well, enough of that... I just want you to know that I miss you. And I keep on hoping that you will somewhere, sometime, just find the way to forgive me. And someday, maybe, when the time is right... you know I always tell you that everything has a right time, maybe somday, we'll be friends again.