As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Shorts : For the little thoughts stuck in mind.

Bakit kaya tayong mga Pilipino, palaging sinasabi pag kumakain tapos nakakita ng kakilala - "Tara kain?". Pano kaya kung may umupo sa tabi mo tapos kunin yung tindor at kuchara mo tapos kainin yung pagkain mo?

Ano kaya?


Hassle! Part 2

  • Plan na paincash yung check sa CitiBank.
  • Pumila sa BPI.
  • Di pala makukuwa ang pera sa hapon pag nagdeposit ng check
  • Sa CitiBank na lang talaga.
  • Kumuwa ng Taxi.
  • Dinala kami sa CitiBank sa kabilang street, ang balak talaga sa may Paseo.
  • Yun pala di pwede magpaincash jan sa CitiBank dun.
  • So pumunta kami dun na lakad lang.
  • Sa wakas nag paincash.
  • Sakit ng paa ko.
  • Lunch time.
  • May nagtext, papasama sa accenture.
  • Sinundo ko sa office niya.
  • Bumalik kami sa Rufino Side.
  • Bus.
  • Tapos naglakad lakad.
  • Tapos bili ako earphones tapos bumalik nanaman kami.
  • Lakad nanaman.
  • Pagod na pagod ako.
  • AMP!!!!
  • Aalis na daw pala si Sir Romy - wala na ko titser.
  • :(

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You are the one!

We watched You are the one starring Toni Gonzaga and Sam Milby last night at g4. I spent more than I should bearing the fact that I still haven't got my cash. Wahahaha... Anyways, I cannot believe myself for watching that kind of movie. See, I haven't watched any Tagalog movie since... like, um, years ago and that was with Au who just forced me into watching that tagalog movie. The one before that... um, about 10 years back. Anyways, back to my embarassing story - The movie house is unbelievably jampacked with people, so to theorize, it simply means that this movie must be good. So I watched... then I found myself laughing with the people there. Then a strange thought dawned to me - Am I enjoying this? Nyahahaha... it's so embarassing, but I enjoyed the movie. Hahahahaha... it was pretty funny. But you will not EVER see ME, getting all giddy and stuff with the BADUY moments there. Nyahahaha...

Shet, nakakahiya.

To spoil it for you, the story is pretty simple:

Will (Sam Milby) is a consul of some sort at DFA. You know, that's where you get your VISA and stuff. Apparently, Sally (Toni Gonzaga) wants to go to the US because her parents and sister said so. But she got denied by Will, for the reasons I don't know because we came in a few minutes late and that was the last showing. Apparently, Will is looking for his real parents for he was abandoned when he was still little because he is all sickly and frail. Coincidentaly, Sally is a NSO (National Statistics Organization or something) representative. So, if you're looking for your real parents, that is where you will go. And they met again. Then the story really started. That's it.

The movie is pretty funny but the story is pretty predictable and straightforward. If you feel like you will be getting away with the baduy-factor, then watch it. This might not be the last time I will be watching this kind of flicks. HAHAHHAHAA...

Shet, nakakahiya.

Who will you choose - the one who loves you completely, or the one who makes you complete? Nyahahahha...


OO nga pala, ang puti ng kilikili ni Toni. Wala lang. Sarap hawakan eh. Siguro kamera trick? Ewan ko alng ah. Sobrang kinis kasi eh pwede manalamin.
