As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Romantic Acronyms.

Remember these...?

J.A.P.A.N Just Always Pray At Night.

H.O.L.L.A.N.D Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies.

I.T.A.L.Y. I Trust And Love You.

Akala ninyo yun lang ah .. heto pa....

L.I.B.Y.A. Love Is Beautiful; You Also.

F.R.A.N.C.E. Friendships Remain And Never Can End.

C.H.I.N.A. Come Here.. I Need Affection.

B.U.R.M.A. Between Us, Remember Me Always.

I.N.D.I.A. I Nearly Died In Adoration.

K.E.N.Y.A. Keep Everything Nice, Yet Arousing.

C.A.N.A.D.A. Cute And Naughty Action that Developed into Attraction

K.O.R.E.A. Keep Optimistic Regardless of Every Adversity.

E.G.Y.P.T. Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing!

Y.E.M.E.N. Yugyugan Every Morning, Every Night.

R.U.S.S.I.A. Romance Under the Sky & Stars is Intimate Always.

Akala ninyo yun lang ah .. heto pa.... ulit...

M.A.N.I.L.A. May All Nights Inspire Love Always.

B.A.L.I.W.A.G. Beauty And Love I Will Always Give.

M.A.L.A.B.O.N. May A Lasting Affair Be Ours Now.

I.M.U.S. I Miss U, Sweetheart.

P.A.S.I.G. Please Always Say I'm Gorgeous.

C.E.B.U. Change Everything... But Us.

P.E.R.U. Porget Everyone... Remember Us.

P.A.R.A.N.A.Q.U.E. Please Always Remain Adorable, Nice And Quiet Under Ecstacy.

T.O.N.D.O. Tonight's Our Night, Dearest One.

P.A.S.A.Y. Pretty And Sexy Are You.

And my favorites....

M.A.R.L.B.O.R.O. Men Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only.

P.H.I.L.I.P.P.I.N.E.S. Pumping Hot.. I Love It! Please Please.. I Need

Erotic Stimulation!

Wala lang.


Treadmill stories. (PG18)

My usual treadmill routine is 20 minutes. That said, I add 5 minutes more to that if I don't lose weight every week (after I scale of course). So, what is the only other way that will make me add more minutes to my jogging?

The answer is a steaming hot 28-ish woman.

You might be thinking that I am a perv, well, well, well, no. Ask my friends, they won't say I'm a perv. Er, maybe a little?

Anyhow, so there I was, sweating and running. Then on my 17 minute mark, an angel came around from the gym's entrance and walked towards me, or the treadmill beside me rather. So, exaggerating aside, it was like slow mo. I thought she was eyeing me suspiciously because I kept on glancing at her. Well, I can't help because she's hot as Mt. Vesuvius (Hahaha, Andrean inside joke).

ANWYAY, when she started running, and I muttered to myself - "Oh... yeah". She is clad in an outfit telling everybody to look at her. Haha. And I wished I had an Adam Sandler remote to slow mo time or fast forward it or something.

Well, after adding 15 minutes on my daily routine jugging, she's done and gone. Like that. Good bye, beautiful treadmill woman.

Friggin' perv. I must be sick.
