As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Holiday - walang ginawa kundi tumunganga.

Ok, I was supposed to post this at 11PM-ish last night but since our SmartBRO's connection's
pretty figety for the last few days, I can't really use the net for 5 minutes without it being cut. That's 
too bad since I am the one forced to pay this net that I rarely use. And too bad since I cannot finish
downloading Dexter.

Anyway, let me tell you about my day yesterday - it's a Holiday... I really can't remember what Holiday
it is, since I really don't keep track of those and I am not good with dates. Anyway, I finally got my 
much deserved alone time and rest! I really can't express how I long for times like these. No ones bugging
me to come out and play. Well, I wanted to sleep the whole day, maybe pop in a couple of movies later or something.
But since I know it's impossible for me to sleep for more than 6 hours, I woke up at 5:30 AM sharp. And I know,
even if I try, I cannot fall back to sleep again.

So, I tried to watch the latest ep of Big Bang Theory to no avail since my mind's pretty distorted without 
coffee at this particular part of the day. So I went down to grab some food... which I know is futile since 
our helper will still be down and out because I know she spent the whole night talking to his Boyfriend the whole
night under my mom's nosey nose. Though I wanted to have this little holiday, I know I will be bored come noon,
since I am not really a fan of holidays and staying home.

Ok, so I went upstairs and tried to grab some sleep. Unbelivably, I fell asleep and woke up at around 8-ish?
I have no idea what time is it but Eugene is on TV and wow, I felt particularly weird since I still enjoy
Eugene even though I watched the episode for like, 5 times already. At that time, breakfast is served so
I ate and finished the show and went back to my room to - well, just sit around and do nothing. I opened
my DVD binder to find out that I am running out of unwatched movie to watch so I decided to go DVD hunting.
Too bad the car is nowhere to be found so I took the Tricycle to RFC and then I decided not to buy
DVDs but instead go to Starmall to look of new "ahem-ited" 360 games. I grabbed three - MK vs DC, RA3, and 
Left 4 Dead which I replaced with Guitar Hero since I didn't like the feel of it, then I replaced GH with
Mirror's Edge since I can't play GH without it's peripherals unlike it's PS2 counterpart... Well, I can
play it with the headset and play with vocals but, hey, I am no singer... Anyway, I lost count on how
many times I went back and forth from home to Starmall and since the car with free gas from my mom is not 
there, I think I spent 100 bucks on commuting.

Ok, I played the MKVSDC and found it weird, unsettling and semi-entertaining. After a quarter of an hour, I tried 
to read this new Jeff Lindsay book I bought last saturday but I can't digest the words properly. So I decided
that today, I'll give my head rest and do some mindless stuff like covering my uncovered books, rearrange my
disarranged drawers, and make the internet work. I tried calling the Smart Hotline but I decided against it since
they'll just tell me that 'sir, we're doing the best we can...' and I still have to wait. 

The highlight of my day was... well, none... which is what I am thankful for since for the first time in weeks...
an unventful day came. With nothing but mindless backandforth commuting and sitting without doing nothing. Ah, this 
is the life.