Hmm... I installed Skype on my office PC for no reason at all. I fiddled around it a bit and I stumbled upon this room with weird Eastern music... Now, I don't know what occurred into me, or whatever spirit consumed me but I stayed for around 20 minutes in there...
Now, there are a lot of people adding my id, chatting me... After a while, I exited the room and entered another one with an interesting title - nuggets. Now, there are lot of people talking here. So I just parked there and listened to them. Haha, what a waste of bandwidth. They were talking about chicken nuggets, Denver Nuggets, gold nuggets...
After that the room got steamy, if you know what I mean... So, I stayed there for a while, smiling at their attempts to get girls with super cheesy lines that is almost, almost stupid.
Now, I can safely assume that they HAVE a lot of TIME in their hands to waste time like this.
Now, now, this is a senseless post... LOG OUT!