Decrypt this.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Uif rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqfs pwfs if mbz.
Now figure out how i do the encryption.
Opx gjhvsf pvu ixp j ep uif fodzqujpo.
The key is so easy. If you only look clooooseely...
As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
posted by karuru at
4:29 PM
Since i've got nothing to do this day, i decided to put my programming skills to the test. I've created an Encryption tool that emulates the encryption used in Alexander the great's days. And holy shit, i've done it. This is the first time i actually did something. BWAHHAHA..
posted by karuru at
3:52 PM
Carl Allan - A freedom fighter. Likes observing the foibles of everyday life. Psychadelic problem child with a huge beef on political situations on his country. Has given up hope on redemption. A compass without a magnetic north. Pessimist. Hates math and anything that has to do with numbers especially counting more than ten.
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