As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Let's get physical.

To keep myself busy, i'm now doing things i don't usually do. Um, my childhood buddies asked me if i would come to jog with them at philam. I was actually doing nothing that time so i said yes.

Bewildered, because jogging at 5pm seems akward, i realized the reason why they chose that time. Tsk tsk, there were lots of women jogging there, and jogging women only mean one thing...
Well, i am not there to look at um... (searching head for a wholesome-r approach) ...girls.

Well, it was fun and tiring, and i haven't sweat like a pig for months now. And my singit is welcoming this throbbing sensation that was brought by constant leg movements. Tomorrow, we plan to jog the hell out again and go to church and walk to home. And by the way, the walk home is pretty tiring by itself.

Time to burn these wretched fatty acids and time to get those 15 packs. Nyahahaha... well, anyways, i'm hanging a while in net because my blockmate sent something that arouses my curiosity. So i'm relating to you what happened to this day.

The hype with pacman.

I just have to sigh on this one. Too much hype with manny. Good thing paquiao never lets his feet of the ground. He has a fat wallet but never did i saw her run his mouth off... He is humble and has the action to back up his trash talk if he ever says any.

Interviewed, Manny said: "Sige, kahit sino itapat niyo sakin, lalabanan ko." Then the punchline: "basta pareho ng timbang." Nyahahah... But he is so humble and willing to sacrifice his body to unite the Philippines. "Kahit araw araw ako lumaban basta mapagisa ko lang ang Pilipinas."

Pero naasar lang ako sa mga pinoy lalong lalo na sa GMA7 at Channel 2, kung san buong segment nila ng balita napupunta kay manny. Here's the bummer, there's even a segment in their show that shows manny's goddamn childhood friend! Damn, as if he has a part in manny's victory.

Well, this is the Philippines. Just look at Onyok Velasco, he was the hero back then when he won the silver, but look at him now...

Oh, in another interview, manny said something like: "With great power comes great responsibilty" Nyahahah, i figured out he just watched Spiderman the night before.

Colt 45 vs. Redhorse.

We planned to waste ourselves at intramuros a while ago. We arrived late because of Pacman's motorcade... damn, we circumnavigated whole manila for chrissakes... heheh.. but we arrived at our destination at one piece...

In summation, colt 45 tastes sweeter than redhorse.