I gave Gallon of milk a Day and all I can say is that it almost killed me. I literally shat cheese. It was terrible I tell you. :) So I think GOMAD is for Westerners only. :)) I was farting and shitting the whole day. LOL. I was like a cheese cake factory, and it was god-awful.
I'll try at least a litre a day.
As for my workout yesterday (B-A-B), it was good. I tried power cleans for the first time and since no one in the gym knows what that is, no one corrected me since I felt that my form is still a little off. My first stats for power cleans are:
bar 2x5
10 1x5
15 1x5
20 1x2
25 3x5
These are, of course, in KG. As per suggested, i didn't take my weight, to surprise myself. I am feeling good about this routine and I can't wait to see results.
PS: Damn that milk!