As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The long saturday.

Been a long day. Woke up early because I have a test this saturdayat Sun life at HSBC tower. So far, this is my most eyed prospect company.It is near and I like the environment. First we took the personalitytest that is identical with the 300-item fujitsu test. Next the Programmer aptitute battery.The The test was long, and it waslike the ITS test, so I have this in the bag - well, that was until theyhanded the mock Java certification exams. Hahahhaa, it was so hard, butI found some familliar items.So I have now a 50/50 chance of passing thisone. Then I thought it was all finished, they handed the last test -A miss universe type essay. You have to choose from the differenttopics listed there and write an essay to the intermediate pad provided.So, i mustered every writing creativeness in every fiber of my mind. But-the attempt was not fruitful because I am depleted from the previous tests.

The topic I chose was "The uniqueness of the filipiino" On this one, I have to tell feelings contrary to what I really feel. (So I can impress them) My essay style since Highschool was a comedic writingthat slowly brings out a serious tone to what I am writing. I wrote aboutsome Filipino traits, which I am proud, but I am really not, though I wroteit there just for show. Hahahaha. In summation, ended the piecewith a big question: "What if God asks you to live again, would youchoose to be a Filipino?" Um, excuse my sense of patriotism, but I reallylike it here, except for a few misses.

Oh, i forgot to mention that at noon, I officialy haven't eaten for a whole day already. I dont know, but I really don't have the appetitethese days.

So, I went to mj's after the test. Of course, she was not yet prepared! Hehehehe, anyways, I'm used to girls, they are so slow! Peace mj! ^_^After she's all done with her girly routine, I hatidized her to pampanga. (di ko alam english ng hatid). But mj told me that I will not catch thebus back because It's already 3pm and buses caloocan-bound is not availableat 6. But I still hatidized her nonetheless. At exactly 6, we arrivedat Arayat and the omens are right, no bus. So I took this shabby L300 tothe RJ transport and rode home. At 9 I arrived, tired and depleted butfulfilled, it has been a long time I've enjoyed sceneries like pampanga.Oh, but before going home, I ate at the nearby carinderia because I don't think I can last the 2 hour ride from Caloocan to Laspinas on an empty stomach.
I arrived home and drifted of to lala land.


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