There was a mishap on my first Oracle movie night last friday at resort's world so I wasn't table to watch it earlier. I made it a point to watch it on saturday though. I was alone since my supposed date was busy with family matters.
As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.
There was a mishap on my first Oracle movie night last friday at resort's world so I wasn't table to watch it earlier. I made it a point to watch it on saturday though. I was alone since my supposed date was busy with family matters.
So, I've been doing this Strength training for 6 weeks. My squats have increased and I can almost squat my own body weight. Deadlifts have progressed as well. My shoulder press and bench press have progress, but not as much as Squats and Deadlifts. I've exchanged power cleans with rows because rows is easier to perform.
About 4 years ago, I found myself centered on a computer screen. I was starting to learn the ropes of the corporate world. Admittedly, it was not fun and I marked it as a tedious chore. As time progresses, I was able to digest that I'll be stuck working for other people for a long time since I was not born with the proverbial silver spoon on my mouth.
Eventually, I managed to like love work. I find it not a bit tedious even. I was able to learn a few technologies, and as a programmer, I reckon this bit was essential. Not because experience on these techs are essential to rake in the moolahs, but to progress as an individual.
I found new friends, I remember myself hanging out Friday nights to Saturday mornings on Baywalk just to pass the time. I even go out with them on weekends instead of resting or catching up with my other friends. I got to know other kinds of people as well. There's the occasional corporate freak += geek amalgamation, the complete asshole (you know who you are), the zombie guy who rarely talks and others.
In other words, the corporate world merged with my so-called social life. I was led to believe that those two entities don't mix together and I found myself misled. I might even go as far as calling the office my second home?
After last year, when most of my team were let go (i.e., banished from the land, ass kicked out, fired) due to (as far as I know) economic reasons, I found myself trying to get back to the corporate rat race. I was not (yet) bitter since they gave me means to start some business with the money they gave me (SLs, VLs, last pay, Christmas bonus etc). I just thought they gave me an early Christmas bonus.
After a month of the 'Great RD ass kick-out' I landed a job at OSRP. All I can say that things were never the same. I have some of my former RD friends there, so it was like RD. The environment is pretty much the same as RD minus the casual clothes. The people were like RD guys as well. I left after 6 months because of some asshole boss and that was it. I sometimes miss the 'one-ride-gets-you-to-RD' every time I commute to my new office (hell, that's one of the reason I lasted 3 years in RD), but I guess I can never look back.
After a few months, I landed a job with Oracle, a pretty big IT company. Biggest I worked for so far. I was surprised with the environment. Everything is documented, they require you to follow protocols and stuff, and some other amazing things. They even got robo-coffee vendo, free juice and movies and stuff. Lol.
Anyway, I came to realize something that a mentor friend of mine told me 5 years ago when I worked for ATP - something about being a leech; get everything you can from a company, grow wings and fly away. Grow wings, burn bridges and never look back. That was his corporate motto. Now it is mine too.
I took the plunge and bought my second iPhone (iPhone 4). I discovered that you can restore everything from your previous iPhone thru iTunes including pics, contacts, messages and even the wallpaper. Cool.
Done with week 2 of SS. I can't believe my squats and deadlift has gone up steadily. I can almost squat my body weight. My current is like 110 pounds. Give me 2 weeks and I can squat more than that.