As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Friday, August 08, 2008

The letter you will never read.


How are you? Bet life has been treating you fair this days. Me? I'm great. Guh-uh-reat. Everything is just great. I got the job I love, great new friends, and I get to have times off for myself sometimes.

You know, I guess I have never told you this before, but I love the sea. It calms me, it soothes me. When I am at the sea, I can see how beautiful this world is. Under the sea, you can see a lot of color... it seems like it shines just for you. When you are alone with all this color, a calm repose siezes your body...

Well, enough of that... I just want you to know that I miss you. And I keep on hoping that you will somewhere, sometime, just find the way to forgive me. And someday, maybe, when the time is right... you know I always tell you that everything has a right time, maybe somday, we'll be friends again.



Blogger Mha'ri said...

i always love to write letters.

12:08 PM

Blogger karuru said...

Yeah? Me too. Especially if it is from the heart. Nyahaha.

1:52 PM

Blogger Mha'ri said...

hahaha!!! smoochie!

6:41 AM


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