As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trixie Revival Chronicles Day 2.

Skipped dinner to get on with the Revival of Trixie. I bought a screwdriver set and some washers and other tools for the operation.

Step 2: Dismantle everything.

Dismantling a 360 is super physically taxing. The case itself is not held by screws but by snappers, I don't know the technical terms here but everything in the case is held on place by series of hidden clamps that is so firmly attached. First time 360 dismantlers will have a VERY hard time taking them apart and will most likely break something if they're not too careful. After poking several holes (hehe), both grills will snap off. After than you have to poke the slots to take off the top cover.

After an hour of dismantling the covers, you will be greeted by 10 billion screws to be taken off. That's where the tork set will come in. Man, this is so hard if you don't have the right tools because the screws are practically drilled on the casing. After 30 minutes and a severed hand, the case will come off and the motherboard will greet you.

The fans and the DVD drive are just placed inside and you have to unplug it to take it off. Thankfully, only 3 more screws remain and that's for the power switch thing. After you take out everything, our goal will be visible - the x-clamps.

Because I am short in the required screws and washers, I was not able to get to the fixing part. But I tried baking it since from what I read, baking MIGHT fix the 1RL problem. I got this far, so I tried it. I placed everything back but I left the fans unplugged. This will make the 360 overheat.

360 is a smart machine, it diagnoses itself using the circle of light which is also serves as its power button. There are instances that 360 doesn't know what's happening that's why we have the 1RL or the system failure. This is as good as 3RL from what I read.

1RL - System failure. This is almost the same as 3RL.
2RL - Overheat.
3RL - 360 have no clue what is happening and cannot diagnose itself. 360 is more or less becomes bricked after this if you don't have it fixed or shipped to Microsoft for repairs. Unfortunately for us Filipinos, we have no Microsoft support here so we have to ship it elsewhere so it can be fixed. You have to wait for 1 month for it to be shipped back and M$ has a poor job of addressing the problem and more often than not 3RL still comes back.
4RL - Most likely your A/V is not plugged in.

Anyway, after baking the 360 and 2RL comes out, I unplugged the power chord (at this point the power button is not yet clamped and screwed in so it's hard to press the power).

Here goes nothing...

But after that WTFOMG moment, 1RL shows. And the worse happened, after 1RL... 2RL will show. It means it's still overheating. I let it sit until morning and I tried to power on it again, and bam, sigh, curse... 2RL! I think I baked the 360 to its demise.

Anyway, there's a dude in Tipid PC that sells the exact tools (screws and washers) for the job for only 250 petot. There are 3 sets to choose from and I chose the one that doesn't require the drilling... (I don't want Trixie drilled!) But, alas, no supply and I have to wait for a week to get it. There's also this official German site who sells the parts but I don't think you can Credit Card (that costs 200 pesos) and ship friggin' washers... so I'll wait for the TPC dude.

I've researched constant 2RL and I think my CPU and GPU got toasted. MAN! I'll try the fix first and if worse comes to worst, I will let the expert guys fix it or... I have to buy a new system. :(


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