As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Credits and Debits.

Payday Wednesday.

Yeah, perfect attendance for the 3rd straight time. What's cool is I actually got a certificate that I can post anywhere I see fit - may it be at the walls of my room, in my cube here in the office, I can wear it like a necklace... nyahaha, joke.

Anyway, what's another cool thing is that it's also our VL conversion and since I haven't used a single VL for last year... do the math. Now I can pay all my debts! Friggin' debts! Insurance, Phone, Credit Card, House bills!

Man! It's a good thing I got this, now, I don't have to beg my mother, who is in Abu Dhabi by the ways (so my brother and I are paying the bills) for my insurance money.

Now, if my parents don't DECIDE to go back next month, the Vela household would be screwed big time. You see, I am struggling to balance my budget. Our helper is asking me money for our everyday baon (lunch) since my mom (purposely?) gave a small budget that would (hopefully) sustain us until they get back. ANYWAY, since it's impossible to last until the end of February, I have to do drastic steps... er, which is to buy my own food. Hahaha.

Even the friggin' shampoo is running out, what I did is I am using my gym-shampoo (CLEAR for MEN - it smells nice by the way). Nyahaha. Now if you ask me if it's nice to work and earn money for yourself, the answer is a resounding, reverberating... NO.

I have to be a little freaky ant and save for tomorrow!



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