As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I thought to myself - Friday will be bo-oh-ring. And I am not going near any gym for about 2 days since my back is killing me. My body is sore because I went to the gym for 5 days straight. Anyway, I was racking my brains for "fun" things to do since "lakads" are pretty scarce nowadays for yours truly. This is the effect of not having any "girlfriends" to spend time with. Not that I am complaining, I am (read: happily) single and girls (yeah, you've read that right, that's plural, man.) that were coming to my heart's "door" so to speak were easily... dispatched. Man, am I cocky or what?

Anyway, I happen to dread the coming monday since the task I have at hand is pretty hard... not that I am complaining, but hey, that's corporate life for you. But lo, and behold, Joanne popped me and told me that Jet and her is having dinner... which means I'll be dragged into their mess. Ok, so we agreed to go to Gweilo's here at Makati and I've invited a few guys over, and it so happens that these guys have other plans so I am stuck with Jett and Joanne. When we went over to there, there are a lot of people so finding a seat will be hard. And it occured to me that it's my kid brother's birthday so most likely, there would be food at our home.

So I invited them over and to make the long story short - I was drunk at the end of the night. I woke up at 6 and waited for them to get up. So, they got up and you know girls, they would mope around until they finally decide to get up. We watched Big Bang Theory, finally prepared to go out again and ate at Picha hut and finally headed to Makati. We got off at Makati and Jett decided to go to her dentist and Joanne decided to go home. And since I am in Makati, I wandered for a bit and found out that Sassy Girl was showing. I checked the time and fortunately I am on the right time so I grabbed a ticket and watched the movie, which sucked by the way.

After that I headed to Starbs and texted Israel James Casidsid (Hi paps) with the hopes that he will buy me my Latte, but to my dismay, he still remembers that I still owe him 2 coffees. So what happens is that we just sat there waiting for the time to pass. At 8 we went to RFC and since my stash of DVDs is running out of fresh DVDs, I got 5 movies, namely: Hellboy, Rainman, Forbidden Kingdom, A.I. and The Beach. I went home and popped Hellboy in the DVD tray and I suddenly realized it's already morning and I've fallen asleep.

Sunday morning, I finished Hellboy and popped Forbidden Kingdom which is pretty fun. After that I packed my gym things and drove to Cloz's to get the games he borrowed and I drove back to FF Southmall. I went home and slept.

Whew. Long post.


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