As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, December 17, 2007

F'n dancing kids.

We went to Judith's NiTE launch shit and all I can say that I have been molested! Yeah, those bars annoy the hell out of me. Why? Because there are lots of sweaty bodies, there are no tables available, the booze itself is fuckin' expensive, you stand for 5 hours, the sounds suck, there are too many fuckin' bright green lights, and the fuckin' list goes on.

Anyway, there's also this cute KID that kept on rubbing her err, body parts on me. I just looked at her with disgust. She's pretty cute though, but STILL, I wouldn't rub my body parts on her too. Hmm, I can see the bitterness emanating. Haha, well, you see, of all the fuckin' talents I have, dancing is not on it. Yeah, you see, I want to dance those Backstreet Boys moves, but alas, no dancing for this poor cowboy here.

STILL! No dancing for me! And no bars from now on! I also saw Paolo Ravales, you know, Ara Mina's boyfriend. Hah! He's a midget, I can fuckin' kick his ass to the moon and back. I can also rip his spine from his nostrils and whip his bald head and rip him to pieces and mail him across 50 zip codes. Yeah.

Well, bald people also annoy me. Can't they see that baldness is goofy? Come on, being bald is just too stupid.

Haha, bar gripes, bar gripes. Goddamn bars. Damn you to hell.



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