As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The weekend.


The TDP team went out to Dampa in Macapagal to eat. And in our team, when we say eat and relate it to others in blogs, letters or any written form, we type it as EAT, now, get the picture? Anyway, eating, for yours truly, has been labeled as a sport. And in any sporting events, there are MVPs. So, humility aside, I am the MVPs of MVPs when it comes to eating. Enough said.

Name it, we had it. Crabs - check. Inihaw - check. Baked tahong - check. Calamares - check. Sinigang na tuna or whatever - check. The works. Now, if I can install another stomach or something, I'd do it. You see, I don't want to waste food. So, eating has been a forte of mine for so long.

After 10 hours of eating, we decided to retire. Damn, I am so full. If I eat more, my body will reject it, I suppose. I went home, almost unable to walk because of the load I have to drag with me. We all went home as winners. Because it's all free!

Then there's this simple factoid that I missed: The big guys, apparently, asked some of the guys (I failed hearing it because I must be in a conversation with the others) if we have other plans tonight. Of course, they will treat us (minus them, of course, so we can enjoy it thoroughly). A BUZZ rang in my head, and the proverbial lightbulb lit up in the space above my head. SAYANG! The boys could have had another Boy's night out without the spending (You see, night outs are enjoyable... if you know what I mean /gg)! Damn! It's been a long time since we had our night outs.

Oh well, there's another Team release. And I am looking forward to that.


It's Marvin's birthday. So that means another night full with booze and laughtrips and include trashtalks. Sat morning, I went to Makati to get a few things done, the went back to LP meet the girls. I was too early. Too early in fact, that I went to SM to watch Beowulf. I texted Anna Mae and Dianne if they can join me, but apparently, they were too engrossed in whatever they are doing that they didn't join.

Anyway, the movie was cool, I've read Beowulf before so I had an idea on what to expect. What's funny is that because I don't have my glasses with me, all along the duration of the movie, I thought real persons were acting on it. Then I realized that there were some not proportional body parts here and there, funny faces, etc., etc., so I realized after the movie, after seeing Robert Zemeckis' name in the credits, that this must be a friggin' CGI movie!!! Hahaha, poor eyes, they've betrayed me.

Well, the movie was really cool. You can see the moles, the pores and stuff in the faces. They were almost real.

Ok, afterwards, I went to bucks, and met Dianne. As usual, the others were late. Then after 10 years, the others arrived and we went to BF and drank and had a good time. The end.


We crashed at Bryan's place and in the afternoon we decided to go to MOA and the carnival shit. This carnival shit was also in Taguig before but we were not able to go there because we had too much work and I am too old for that shit. Back in the days, when I was a certified Daredevil minus the red tights, we used to go to EK and ride all the attractions there and it was no match to us.

Now, after few years, I am too scared... Yeah, scared. I must be getting old for this shit. Anyway, I faced my inner demons and tried the rides there. Damn, it was my first time in the Ferris wheel. AND IT WAS GODDAMN SCARY. Speed and body invertion - I can handle, but HEIGHTS, goddamnfuckinghellno! I was sweating in my pants, my balls are itching... After that ride, I was shaking. I'll never get over my fear of fucking heights.

Then after that, the other rides were chicken shit. The anchor's away that hangs you upwards, the rotating cup of madness or whatever - n0 match. It seems I've regained my youthful Daredevil-ness, or whatever. Oh well, I also met up with the other guys from school. I've missed them so much that I hugged them, which is so NOT me. Haha. It's nice to see old faces again.

After that, we retired and I dozed off to la-la land.



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