As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Serendipity! Haha!

Thursday afternoon, Dianne texted me and says that if I am going to drop by Glorietta that day, she'd like two whoppers and a large onion ring. I was amused because she remembered our "drunk" conversations the other day. I thought she was joking.

Well, anyway, I was really going to drop by Glorietta to buy some 360 games so I got some food. I thought the second whopper is for Anna Mae for she'll also go to Starbucks that night, but I was surprised that it was all for her. Haha. Oh well, thin girls with huge appetite are cool. I've dated this girl once way back when that defeated me in an eat-off. Imagine, we ate 14'' NYF at Yellowcab and two pastas, and she lived! She was like skinny too so I was deeply impressed.

Anyway, back to the story, I was on my way home when Dianne texted that there are other people there besides Anna Mae and her. So that brought me in a dilemma, the food I brought was not enough. But, what the hell, it's not my obligation to feed everyone right? Haha, so I arrived at exactly eight at Starbucks LP. Then I saw Vincent Romero there and whatshisface from Elementary. I pretended to know whatshisface. He was quiet so I didn't bother talking to him. He left early anyway, so, so much for that. But I think he's just... er, shy?

Okay, so, we sat there like tards and laughing and rolling on the floor. Okay, no floor rolling, but we had fun. I was trying to pull off a joke that will make Dianne laugh but what the hell, that girl is slow on the pick up (peace!) or I am just too corny? I hope not the latter. Haha.

Then I began talking about this girl we met several times at J.R. Carwash and Grill and Laundromat. I was talking about how Judith, the bastard, trashtalk her, saying she looks like a maid and some other mean stuff. Well, I think she's pretty cute, minus her deadly teeth, that can strike anybody, anytime to the ground. Now that I saw her under lights, I think she's pretty okay. Minus the teeth! Haha, I got this huge issue on teeth and their placement in the mouth.

Well anyway, as we talk about how I love her so mu... er, well, as we were talking about her... POP! She arrived! It's like a scene from a teen movie where the guy was talking about this girl then she suddenly pops out of nowhere. She said hi, winked at me and grabbed my ass. Oops, sorry, no winking and grabbing happened. Er, Anna Mae keeps on urging me to get her number or something. But I did nothing. Well, if she likes to sit down with us, then I'll talk to her or something. But if she wants to be alone, I let her be. Come on! I'm not head over heels over her.

Well, after buying her drink, she left. So why the hell I did nothing? Well, I really don't like her. Hahaha. I am just riding their jokes. Maybe, I'll get her number or something when we next meet? No idea. If this is serendipity, I don't know.

We'll meet again, serendipity-videoke-girl. And this time, I'll remember your name. And get your number.

Ok, after that, Vincent and Anna Mae left for home, so Dianne and I was left there up to 11. We didn't talk, we we're soundtripping. You see, sounds and rainy nights is a perfect combination. She gave me her spare whopper and I ate it, I drew her using her pen and some tissues, I wrote poems, yeah, all in an hour. Anyway, when her PSP bat run out, and I am too sleepy already to function, we retired.

So... end of post!



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