As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

To God:

Here I am again, in this very same spot a year ago. In a silent lament on how things would turn out for me. You see, I am a firm believer that history really does repeat itself. And I am sure that you know my attitude of being a carefree person - taking life's blow head on, regretting nothing and just letting the current take me to whatever shore it wants me to be.

The die is cast, and there is no turning back. Yet again, I have been careless. And I honestly think that the history I am talking about, the history I do not want to experience again, will yet again, surface. You see, I admit that I got cocky, to the point of ignoring environment's heeds and warnings. You know that my guiding princinple is, and forever will be: What comes, comes and we'll have to face it when it does. And I am so sorry if I took things forgranted.

I've been careless and here I am again, on the brink of another emotional trauma. Yes, I've weathered all your trials, although I failed some of them, but this time, I know this will be the hardest. I know they molded me to what I am now, to a better me but one part of me still haven't changed.

There will be no regrets when the worms come, that's what I always say. Now, I am going down again and I don't know if this will happen or not, but I know I am not going down without a fight. So now, I want you to help me not to be weak. We both know I am strong and I will not tremble on the knees of defeat. So, help me cope up with your challenges. This next one will be great and I cannot do this alone. Please help me find the strength to be persevere in all the challeges that life brings.

Thank you.

For the same fire that melts butter, hardens steel.




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