As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Friday, January 12, 2007

In the end, it's the beginning you always remember.

January 13, 2006.

It has been a year. 365 days. It flew by faster than you thought. Days, became weeks, the weeks became months, then it became a whole year. It was so fast. Everything seem to move in a fleeting instant. Everyone moved on, everybody whisked past you, but you - You remained. You stayed. You lingered.

Last year has been the worst day of my life. Saddened by the fact that I've lost everything. Everything. You will realize that things just don't fall to your lap, you work hard for it. When they are lost, you value them more. You wonder why you didn't value them when they are yours. Well, that's how life works - and it sucks.

One year later, somehow, I am better and stronger. A well oiled machinery without chinks on his emotional armors. No blemish in my seemingly impassable fortress. I am stronger. There are still times I wonder about the what if's and the what could have been's, but well, hey, that's life. You take everything as it comes, and be glad and thankful that you have given a chance to experience what life brought you.

Well, I make it a point to mark each day as the first day of the rest of my life. Everyday is a starting line. If you failed this day, you can redo it tomorrow. Now, you're sure how to do it, so you can do it better than yesterday. Life, molds you to a better person. You just have to endure every trouble, every problems, everything. Fight. Endure. Persevere. Brave the storm, for every storm there's always a light house to guide you on your way home.

Thank the people that brought you this far. Forgive the people who destroyed the very fiber of your being. For without them, you are not as you are now - stronger and better. Thank God for giving you the trials. He is the lighthouse in every storm. He is your refuge. He is your armor.

More importantly, love yourself. When you have so much love to pass around, better start within you.

for the same fire that melts butter, hardens steel.



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