As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Digi Software Philippines.

Had a test at Digi Software Philippines and boy it is so hard.I saw many Mapuans there and some talked to me. We don't knowwho the hell each other was but somehow, we knew each other by face. I thought I would do ok with the test becausesome Mapuans did but after the test, I am completely onthe different side of the pole. Hahaha... Well, the testwas the hardest one I had so far. But at least, I answered morethan my test buddies. I answered 2 out of 5 of the algorithmtest (which I don't know if correct or not) I answered the database connection thing with Java (they haven't answered thisbecause they are more on C++) but I left the 5 numbers on theC/C++ questions because I know nothing about it. Hahahaha... But I answered the ms. universe-like personal questions with ease. Hahahhaa..

Oh, of all the Mapuans there, I recognized K.S. most. Hahhaha..Well, she was the schoolmate everyone in our block had a crush on.And hey, she was still with her fugly boyfriend who becamefatter, so he is not only ugly, he is now also fat. I know,I am so bad. Oh, I also saw my sexy classmate in QChap. Hahhaha..Seems like all their block is on that company. I just don't wantthem to remember that I had a test there.

Anyways, asa pa ko don. I'll just sleep this frustration off.Hope tomorrow will be... never mind, it will be like thisfor the rest of my miserable life.



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