As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


are you...??

*sensitive = Yes, to the point of stupidity. Hehehe.
*easily hurt = No, not this time.
*calm = When well rested.
*quiet = With new people.
*active = No.
*very shy = With new people.
*confident in yourself = No. Not that much.
* good listener = They said. I really don't know.
*easily bored = Yes.
*outgoing = Yes.
*open-minded = No, I am stubborn.
*an only child = No. How I wish.
*happy at the moment = Yes! Hehehe.. It's a secret why.
*tired = Kind of.
*sweet = Some said.
*playing any online games = Not recently.
*tempted by chocolates = ?

D O Y O U ? ..

*believe in love at first sight = Yes. Heheh.
*have someone you really care for presently = They said so. I really don't know.
*play the guitar = A little.
*play the piano = A little.
*play the drums = A little.
*like your life = I will like it two weeks from now.
*like school = Yes.
*like dancing = No.
*like sweets = No.
*like travelling = My contract requires a lot of travelling. Maybe I will like it someday?
*like Spongebob squarepants = Yes.
*read Harry Potter books = All of them.
*yell at your siblings = Yes.
*argue with your parents = No?
*love McDonalds = The chicken and the longanisa burger combo - the best.
*play basketball = Not anymore.
*play badminton = Not anymore.
*play tennis = Not anymore.
*play bowling = I haven't tried this yet.
*swim = Yes.
*skate = A long time ago.
*watch Disney channel = No. Not in my life.
*love movies = Kind of.
*like Oreo = Not really.
*like chips = Not really.
*do the housework = Yes.
*love your friends alot = Of course.

Will You?

*get more than 5 piercings = No. I am scared of pointy things.
*curse a friend = I have voodoo dolls. Lots of them.
*try summoning a ghost for fun = Yes.
*try alcohol = Last night.
*love someone whole heartedly = I already did. Look what happened?
*smoke = No.

Have You ever?

*hug someone = Yes.
*look someone in the eye = This is silly.
*done stupid things that finally made u real
embarrased = No.
*said sorry to someone = Yes. But she did not accept. Her loss.
*thanked someone = Yes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Blog! Visit my site, too

4:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape amf...

4:22 PM


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