As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Captain Barbie.

After my Super Java Lessons, I went downstairs, I heard the distant TV rumblings and I found a member of this household watching Captain Barbell. I sighed. I can't imagine why people watch that junk. I've read the morning papers and I was flabbergasted to find out that 40% of households here in the Philippines watches that crapola. Ah, sometimes its amusing how people's minds think.

Well, I pulled a chair, sat and observed the hype that is Captain Barbell. The leading star is Richard Gutierez who after like, dozens of telefantasya, telefantaserye or whatever crap they call soap operas* these days, still doesn't know how to act. I bet my ass GMA would not even put a dime on that dumbass' pocket if only for his fanbase consisting of dumbasses too. Anyways, five minutes into the story I found a stark similarity with Smallville. Crap, even the scene when Teng saved Patrick Garcia from the car is from Smallville, thankfully, GMA didn't imitate the scene when the car crashed all the way off the bridge (i bet they can't do that on philippine tv) I bet my ass too that after that Teng and Garcia will be best of friends like Clark and Lex.

Pathetic writers. Can't even think of an original story. There are many striking similarities and I will not stress them one by one. Someday, I wish that some creative writer will finally think of an original story. It was fun to know that they put too much publicity on the costume when it looks like a hard turtle's shell. Spandex still rules!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

5:39 AM


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