As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, December 19, 2005

On your moving away letter.

Hi, how long has it been? Constant fights really wore us down isn't it? Suddenly, chinks on our relationship's armor showed up. Chinks that will eventually tear that strong armor and ruin the very component that held it strong all this time.

I remember about 3 months ago, you were venting your frustrations on me. Just like you always do. You told me about your frustrations on getting a job. Your frustrations on your brother. And you know me, i was always there. Your shock absorber.

You know what? I really miss you. I miss the times when we are sitting on that park in greenbelt, talking about our lives. Talking about everything our minds fix its focus on.
I miss it all especially now that you are going far away. You know what, not seeing you for a week or some really brings me down. Now, i can't imagine what will happen if you leave me for several months. I know its for your own good. I know its for your own professional development. I know its not my place to try to convince you not to go and fly there.

I wish planes and boats were not put to concept. I wish no there are no means of transportation that will get you to japan. I hate the fact that you will leave. Some people says i am over reacting. You will only be away for 3 months. But for me, 3 months will be excruciatingly long. That will surely be a torture.

We were really like siblings back in those days. You were the sister i never had and the bestfriend i looked for ever since. Now, the thought of you leaving is like a nightmare that haunts me everynight. The thought of you leaving gives me a chance to ponder on how much you mean to me.

I will look forward to our next meeting. When you are missing me, take time and look at my letters. You were always telling me that i write such sweet letters. I know they bring smile to you everytime you re-read them.

Oh, don't forget to pray. I have no idea if they got churches there in Japan but make it a point to pray. He brought you there. He brought you in where you are now. He brought you to me. I know i am too advanced in giving you my farewell letter for you still have one month here. But i should give it nonetheless.

Well, i've got to go now, i've got works to do. Maybe one day, i will be the one sitting beside you on that plane? Time will tell. Just always pray.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

7:43 PM


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