As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hey, i am turning 20 tomorrow.

After 19 years of walking this earth, i have realized that time is flying by so fast and i am getting older and older. Soon i'll have white hair and lines on my face.

Ok, that maybe too exaggerated. But hey, i still feel i am getting old already.

Responsibility-wise, i am sort of standing on my own two feet now. Not totally, but i still manage my own expense and stuff. For me, i haven't grabbed the chance to enjoy my kid life thoroughly. I started working earlier, which i totally regret nowadays, but hey, i does give me a chance to prove myself to my mother, whom i think has no idea that i will be earning earlier than expected.

So, what will i give myself? Material things don't make me happy. I don't like buying clothing or stuff. I don't like electronic gizmos either. I am just a simple lad who wants to look at life in a perspective that is contrary to the one that i am in now. I just want to lay at my bed and read a good book. Relax. But i can't do that now for i embarked the real world too soon.

Oh, how i wish i can go back in the days when i was worrying about Ms. Cabrera's long test. How i wish i can be careless once again... How i wish i can be 14 again.

Of course, that can't be put to reality. So, what can i wish for my birthday? I just wish i would have the will to be the man that i should have been right now. I wish i would be more responsible. I wish i would not be selfish anymore. I wish i could make things better. I wish my perseverance would not wane. Ever.

Well, Allan, you are 20. You've got a long way to go.

Happy Birthday to Me. Yeah.


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