As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

All i can say is "Holy Shit."

Hervin, a pervert schoolmate from Mapua Institute of Company bastards, sent an offline message to all the boys in his messenger. Curious, i clicked the link, then was not thoroughly surprised when i saw a cute teenager. I almost clicked the exit button. Then out of curiosity, i read her blog. She has good construction of words for a sixteen year old.

Then, i read on knowing that this was kind of a sex blog thing. Hehehe, the stories ranged from stupid sex with butt ugly construction workers to having sex with a filthy rich 50 year old congressman. I was laughing to myself when i read on that she disclaimed that all these was real.

I was like: "ah, ok..." BUT, then, i read on one of her articles something like, i took a picture of it blah blah then an unlikely thought grasped me... Curious, i clicked on her pics and the first thing on my mind was holy shit, totoo ata to ah!

Damn, just see for yourself... Well, then again, i wouldn't believe her having sex with kids and construction workers, or congressmen for that matter...

A cute kid like her wouldn't waste her body with a sex cast like those she mentioned. That was umimaginable, and hey, another thing, she is encouraging people to message her and if she likes you, you might end up luck. Being the generous person that i am, i messaged her link to the horny bastards here. They said it was all too good to be real. For me, her stories are quite farfetched but, hey, i think she's for real, but then again, having sex with congressmen and arab dudes are quite... how to put it, um, - gross.

I cannot imagine her, and a toothless, butt ugly, stinky carpenter with six packs. Hahahah... She's wasting herself if all that is true. Hey! Why i am contemplating on this too much? Hahah, oh by the way, Bryan Sy wants to add her and get jiggy with her jugglies, if you know what i mean.


Now, fans, calm up, i'm not gonna waste your reading. I'm gonna tell you about what happened to me here in this oh-so-boring office. So, tomorrow's the big day. Yes, the dreaded, handover. *twighlight zone sound effects*

Ok, for those who doesn't know what a handover means. (This blog is idiot proof, you know.) Handover is when you "hand over" your work to those quality gals here. They will check and double check, then check some more, ok, a lot of checking, your "handover-ed" work. Then after that, they will bombard you with comments and bugs.

Let's cross our fingers that i'm not gonna be fried on this one.



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