As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Only a few more days until my birthday. I'll be turning 21. I guess, I can safely assume that I am not getting any younger anymore. Now, I start to be at awe at time's ability to teach you. To mold you to what you are now. Time has given me the well-oiled machinery that I have now. Time has given me the chance to prove myself worthy of standing where I am and to prove me unworthy of having what I wanted to have.

I have learned so much this past year. I can safely say that this year has been the hardest year of my whole life. The whole 21 years of it. But, again, time has helped me to cope and to shape up. Time goes on without us, so it's just best, if we move with it. Move through times. Learn from it and live. Life is not about each breath you take, but the moments that takes your breath away. Challenges will come, though you failed to overcome it, at least, you learned something. There's a number of things I've learned this past year. Number one is to NEVER ever take things forgranted. There's no such thing as FOREVER, so don't waste your time planning. If things are never meant to be realized, it will never be. Two, is if things are meant to be otherwise - let it go.

Lastly, the painful and exciting realization of things to come has dawned on me. Today, I will start anew. No more regrets. No more moping around. No more slacking off. Life, is to grand to feel sad for. Life has its mysterious way of turning you upside down, inside out - but in the end, if you tried to smile - everything will fall into place. Just like a perfect puzzle. Life is puzzling and confusing, but in the end, SOMEWHERE in time - everything will just fit, everything will be perfect. SO, you have to be patient about it - and love life.

Be happy.

Happy birthday to me. Apir.



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