As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tongue bitten off.

I was on my way home from the office and then rain poured as if it has no regards to the heat that was evident that morning. I braved the rain for I have no choice. Wet, I got to my usual 8pm bus and read my book.

I thought this was a usual after-office drama that usually ends up me, buying at my favorite Shawarma station in Buendia, whom the tinderas became my usual 8:30 friends. I got my favorite Shawarma with extra garlic sauce, and yet again, braved the pouring rain to the bus stop near the Club named Nirvana.

I ate my food at the back of the bus, unaware of the people, wet from the same rain, coming in the bus. I really don't care. I just feasted on my meal and added and added some more garlic sauce. Halfway through my Shawarma, A sudden pain pricked me, reeling me back to the reality I am in. I saw blood on my food and I immediately grabbed the tissues that is enveloped in my plastic bag. I pressed it against my swollen tongue and I went home, bloodied and bruised.

Today, October 3, my tongue is swollen, and it is as big as my fist.



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