As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I almost died.

I had the worst experience in my entire life. Hands down. Last night, I almost died. Seriously. I ate dinner and everything was okay, I even re-watched the Miami - Dallas game that night. Then I went upstairs to get some Z's and then I felt something unusual. My stomach is rumbling. I thought it's because I lie down pretty early? Then it really got painful. As in super painful. Then it became unbearable. I started to sweat profusely and when I try to lie on either side, it became more painful. I tried to sit down, but it was more painful than when I was lying down. I tried to cry but I was not succesful because the pain is really unbearable and crying makes it painful too. I breathed slowly to perserve my energy so I can make my self fall asleep.

This continued on for a few hours. I went down and I wanted really bad to go to hospital. I tried to pee but again, it was painful. I wanted to call my parents who were outside with their friends on a little party but I knew otherwise is better. I went upstairs and tried my all to sleep and ignore the pain.

My last thoughts was that I have internal stomach bleeding. I really thought I will die slowly. My stomach will burst and I would die slowly because of gastric juice mixing with blood. I thought my death would be swift like a thief. That's what I wish. But now is the end.

Then everything was white. Then nothing.

I woke up at 3. I passed out cold. I thought I died. I cried.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby ok ka lang?

10:15 AM


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