As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

On gay bars and kissing men.

My friend, Trachelle Lumang, invited me to their company's event yesterday, and i agreed. I invited my other classmates to come along so i will have company. In the end, it was me, bryan and Carlo who were the unfortunate ones to come to their event.

Apparently, it was held in a gay club of some sort. Nyahhahaha, there were ladies but we're not sure if they are really female or not. But most noticable are the gay people there. They were swarming all over the place. There was this guy who was in gown and he was enormous. Oh, and that guy in Eat Bulaga, the one paired up with Ciara Sotto, he is damn freaking gay.

Well, the night came along pretty fine, but there were some sneaker-clicking going on. I don't know what that does mean, but it gave me a pretty clear signal that i should go nowhere there. We drinked cocktails such as the putanginangshiet and the punyeta. After two glasses, i was a little groggy already. Good thing, when we decided to get another glass, it was already past 12 so it is not free anymore.

Oh, and there were freaking KISSING MEN GODDAMN!!! Huhuhuhu... YAKI! Well, anyways, that was their thing so i have no beef with them. But i think they should do it in private.

Okay, the night went along without anyone feeling harassed and we crashed to bryan's home. And that's it.

Damn, kissing men and cross-dressers freaks me out.


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