As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Not a fruitless loser anymore

HA! I am so damn proud of myself.

Mr. Eric is absent once again and he has loads of work that he left me. Being the responsible kid that i am, i concentrated all my energies to complete my tasks. Well, sort of..
It is 4:07PM, 2 hours to go. I've got two more pending jobs to do. Hey, but that's alright if i cannot finish that two. I have finished 9 out of 11 already. Yeah, i am so in the friggin' momentum baby! I am in the zone!

If this continues, maybe tomorrow i'll get a raise and a promotion. - asa.


Ok, humility considered, i did all the taks because i am focused right now. Yes, i am not worrying about my personal problems and i am becoming aquainted with this new life. Maybe it is for the better? It certainly is.

God didn't make our life easy, mind you. He laced our paths with problems and he laced them tactically. There are some point in your life that you are bombarded with problems left and right, then right and left, but hey, that is life - if you cannot face it, just live with it. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Life is grand.

Right now i am facing a troublesome road of defeat and misery. But what did i do to get to my goals? I ignored that road and took another road. I maybe sad right now but i can always find another path that will eventually, and inevitably will make me whole and happy once again. As they say, there's no need to cry over spilled milk. I say, don't cry over a wasted milk and buy a coke - which is much more refreshing.

Okay, enough with stupid analogies.

From my experience, if you worry to much, nothing good will happen. Just prove yourself wrong. You say, you cannot move on and be happy once again? Screw that. Focus your energies to another goal. We all know that achieving your goal can be fulfilling. And just a simple logic, if you are fulfilled - you will be happy.

I faced problems with a companion. What if you lose that companion? Who will do the problem facing with you? None. What if you cannot find another friend who will be with you in times of defeat? That's why i am saying face problems single handedly and try to be more independent.

Look at me, i am alone, but i can face problems and kick program bugs' ass - effectively.

And with that, a toast to whoever's reading this monkey crap.




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