As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Holiday - walang ginawa kundi tumunganga.

Ok, I was supposed to post this at 11PM-ish last night but since our SmartBRO's connection's
pretty figety for the last few days, I can't really use the net for 5 minutes without it being cut. That's 
too bad since I am the one forced to pay this net that I rarely use. And too bad since I cannot finish
downloading Dexter.

Anyway, let me tell you about my day yesterday - it's a Holiday... I really can't remember what Holiday
it is, since I really don't keep track of those and I am not good with dates. Anyway, I finally got my 
much deserved alone time and rest! I really can't express how I long for times like these. No ones bugging
me to come out and play. Well, I wanted to sleep the whole day, maybe pop in a couple of movies later or something.
But since I know it's impossible for me to sleep for more than 6 hours, I woke up at 5:30 AM sharp. And I know,
even if I try, I cannot fall back to sleep again.

So, I tried to watch the latest ep of Big Bang Theory to no avail since my mind's pretty distorted without 
coffee at this particular part of the day. So I went down to grab some food... which I know is futile since 
our helper will still be down and out because I know she spent the whole night talking to his Boyfriend the whole
night under my mom's nosey nose. Though I wanted to have this little holiday, I know I will be bored come noon,
since I am not really a fan of holidays and staying home.

Ok, so I went upstairs and tried to grab some sleep. Unbelivably, I fell asleep and woke up at around 8-ish?
I have no idea what time is it but Eugene is on TV and wow, I felt particularly weird since I still enjoy
Eugene even though I watched the episode for like, 5 times already. At that time, breakfast is served so
I ate and finished the show and went back to my room to - well, just sit around and do nothing. I opened
my DVD binder to find out that I am running out of unwatched movie to watch so I decided to go DVD hunting.
Too bad the car is nowhere to be found so I took the Tricycle to RFC and then I decided not to buy
DVDs but instead go to Starmall to look of new "ahem-ited" 360 games. I grabbed three - MK vs DC, RA3, and 
Left 4 Dead which I replaced with Guitar Hero since I didn't like the feel of it, then I replaced GH with
Mirror's Edge since I can't play GH without it's peripherals unlike it's PS2 counterpart... Well, I can
play it with the headset and play with vocals but, hey, I am no singer... Anyway, I lost count on how
many times I went back and forth from home to Starmall and since the car with free gas from my mom is not 
there, I think I spent 100 bucks on commuting.

Ok, I played the MKVSDC and found it weird, unsettling and semi-entertaining. After a quarter of an hour, I tried 
to read this new Jeff Lindsay book I bought last saturday but I can't digest the words properly. So I decided
that today, I'll give my head rest and do some mindless stuff like covering my uncovered books, rearrange my
disarranged drawers, and make the internet work. I tried calling the Smart Hotline but I decided against it since
they'll just tell me that 'sir, we're doing the best we can...' and I still have to wait. 

The highlight of my day was... well, none... which is what I am thankful for since for the first time in weeks...
an unventful day came. With nothing but mindless backandforth commuting and sitting without doing nothing. Ah, this 
is the life.


Blogger Mha'ri said...

They said it's Bonifacio day last Deccember 1 hahaha. and yeah, 8-ish is a nice term for pass 8 o'clock. harhar. I'm back!

1:53 PM

Blogger karuru said...

Hey Aby! Long time no... er, checking this blog out? Be safe! :D

3:26 PM


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