As The Wings Of Perfect Flame Glow Out Of Passion.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


If one decides to fathom the depth a Filipino will sink, its unimaginable.Goddamn. I've not been able to connect to the net, or use the phone now forquite sometime already. Why? I thought it was due to the strong rain the other day - destroying the wirings of our local telephone company.But when I happen to take a glance on our telephone wiringa little while ago, I found out that the metal rod that connects the wiresto the metal thingy on the ground was cut or sawed. You see, the culprit,whoever the hell he may be, decided to leave it behind because he cannot cut itall off. So he just cut the wirings instead to take revenge on the family thatput double security on their telephone lines. I tried to comprehend this act, why did not they just leave the goddamn lines alone?

Filipinos mongrel acts never cease to amaze even me.This kinds of scenarios is a norm in today's society. When you happen to cruiseby edsa, look at the metal railings on the highway, you will notice some are missing.You might say to yourself that some kind of freak accident happened,knocking the metal railing off,and in turn, saving the lives of thatdrunk bastard who happen to fall asleep when driving in the middle of the night.But no, you see, if you look closely,the metal there is sawed off.In the minds of these mongrels, what matters most is the welfare of theirfifteen-member family, not the safety of the drivers,or the people who lives under the bridge where the metal railing is cut off. Not onlythese railing are mutilated by this bastards, train tracks are also cut off and soldto the local junk shops. All I can say is damn you bastards!!

Oh, and if they choose not to do deliquent acts, they will go around your village,carrying their child asking for money. One night a week ago, I happen to sit at ourterrace and this dirty man with a kid asked for money. He carried with him a child.The man is pretty old so I went inside and get him some packs of pancit canton. Iplaced it neatly inside a plastic bag and went outside and gave him the goods.I went inside, never looking back. The next day, I found out that he left thegoods in front of our gate. I sighed, and realized that my logic of thinking thatthe man will use the money for food is wrong. Apparently, if not for food, he mightwaste coins given to him by purchasing booze or rugby or something - leaving herchild hungry. I learned my morals here that never give something to the friggin'poor! The bible said something about giving and never asking for return, but whenpeople you help bites the hand that feeds them, screw it! Goddamn!

In the end. I should still be thankful that I am not the one hunting metal railingsalong edsa. I am not the one sniffing rugby besides hardware shops. I am not the onegoing house to house, looking for pldt wires to be cut, pissing the owner's son off.Goddamn, this country! Screw you Mrs. President, do something! Hell, I want to bombyou or something.



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